Thursday, July 25, 2013

HMDC Shares GMOM Success

As many know, HMDC participated in GMOM, Georgia Mission of Mercy in June of this year. Final stats are out and we want to share the success: Total procedures: 9975, this includes 2277 extractions, 181 dentures, 1019 fillings, 2064 X-rays, 105 root canals, and 458 cleanings. To learn more about GMOM check out this video that chronicles $1.6 million in care that was provided to 1,619 patients.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back to School

It is hard to believe summer is almost over. As you start your back to school shopping make sure to add your child's dental visit to the list. If you haven't scheduled already visit to request an appointment or call us at 770-496-0496. Enjoy the rest of your summer break!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Izumi Personal Best in Peachtree Road Race

HMDC Congratulates Treatment Coordinator, Izumi on her personal best during the recent Peachtree Road Race. Her net time was an amazing 46:15. Way to go Izumi! She is pictured here with the Japanese Running Club. Dental Hygienist, Becky volunteered during the race.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

HMDC Makes a Difference

We are proud that more than half of HMDC staff participated in Georgia Mission of Mercy in June.  It was an extremely productive and fulfilling event.  Check out details at  Thank you to our wonderful doctors and staff for caring so much and making a difference in our community.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

The rain may put a damper on our outdoor plans but our spirits remain high as we remember those that serve our country. Happy Independence Day! 

Our office will be closed on July 4th and 5th and reopen on Monday, July 8th. As always, if you have an emergency please contact our office. 770-496-0496

Monday, July 1, 2013

Amazon Wish List for Orphanage Emmanuel

Each year HMDC Hygienist, Becky travels to Honduras to volunteer. As part of her efforts HMDC collects donations throughout the year to send to Orphanage Emmanuel. We now have a link to a wish list on Amazon. Items can be purchased on Amazon and shipped direct to the Orphanage. If you would like to contribute please visit for more details. We appreciate your support and willingness to help others.