Monday, December 30, 2013

Resolution or Evolution?

As we look to New Years…consider this: According to Wikipedia, "A New Year's resolution is a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year". Perhaps we should consider the word Evolution instead, which is "any process of change over time".

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Antibiotic Resistance

At Henderson Mill Dental Care we care about your health and want you to be aware of new guidelines for antibiotic use that have been released by the CDC in cooperation with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Antibiotic resistance is becoming a serious issue for all ages. Learn more about the CDC's Get Smart Campaign at

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Henderson Mill Dental Care will be closed Thursday and Friday in observance of Thanksgiving.  If you have an emergency please call our office.  Otherwise our office will reopen on Monday, December 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cash for Candy Success

Henderson Mill Dental Care's recent "Cash for Candy" event was a huge success!  Visit HMDC at to see how much candy we collected and which charity we helped. We want to thank all of those that participated in the event.

Monday, November 25, 2013

"Wild Life" at Henderson Mill Dental Care

Henderson Mill Dental Care's long awaited Halloween photos are up on our website. Visit to learn more about "Wild Life" at HMDC.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Our Team Rocks!

On Halloween, Henderson Mill Dental Care also celebrated bosses day. Visit to see how staff celebrated our wonderful Doctors and Administrator. We are so proud to be a part of the HMDC family.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Birthday to Mickey Mouse!

Henderson Mill Dental Care wishes Mickey Mouse a Happy Birthday! Exactly 85 years ago today Mickey Mouse first debuted to the world. In honor of Mickey's big day the Disney Channel is airing Mickey Mouse shows throughout the day. Tune in to get your fix. Happy Birthday Mickey!

Friday, November 15, 2013

HMDC Staff Appreciation

Last month HMDC recognized our staff for their wonderful service.  Check out how we celebrated them at

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

We want to wish all those that have served our country a Happy Veterans Day. We especially recognize Dr. Cook and Dental Assistant, Lisa for their service.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Free Dental Services - Dentistry from the heart

We value our patients and hope you consider HMDC as your dental home. We understand sometimes financial obligations are challenging and for that reason we want to mention an event that may help you or someone you know in need of dental services. There is an event this Saturday in Cobb County offering free dental services to adults. HMDC is not currently scheduled to volunteer in this event but we do volunteer in others. To learn more visit

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Here is a preview of Zoo life at Henderson Mill Dental Care.  More photos will be posted next week so make sure to check back.  Aren't they cute!

Cash for Candy at HMDC

Got too much candy? Candy your kids can't eat due to food allergies? Or just simply want to avoid sugar bugs, well stop by HMDC on Monday for our Cash for Candy event. For more details check out

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween!

In the spirit of Halloween our office will be dressed in this year's theme tomorrow. You will not want to miss it! If you can't pop in the office then make sure to check back next week for photos. Will be posting details on our $Cash for Candy$ invite on Friday! 
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Do you have Zombie Mouth?

With Halloween coming up we thought this fun video would be enjoyed by all. Check out Stop Zombie Mouth!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Congrats to Dr. John Uetsuki and Team

Congratulations goes out to Dr. John Uetsuki and the entire softball team for The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of GA. They placed First in last weekends softball tournament.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

JapanFest 2013

Check out Henderson Mill Dental Care's participation in JapanFest 2013. This was a fun filled event for the entire family. Thank you to all those that volunteered this year and we were happy to see so many familiar faces. Learn more at

Monday, September 23, 2013

HMDC Celebrates Lisa

Please join us in Congratulating Dental Assistant, Lisa on 26 wonderful years at 
Henderson Mill Dental Care, PC. We love you Lisa!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

JapanFest 2013 - HMDC Participates

Henderson Mill Dental is a sponsor of JapanFest, which will be held this weekend at the Gwinnett Convention Center. Treatment Coordinator, Izumi is a member of the organizing committee with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. Dr. Uetsuki and Izumi will both be volunteering during the festival. Izumi's committee is in charge of the Ginza Isle which has various booth with children's games, toys, clothes, snacks and more. We hope you will attend this fun filled event and please look for us in the Ginza Isle. For more details visit

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Charity Gala

Dr. Levin and his wife attended the Northern District Dental Society Gala for Smiles.  Check out the festivities at Gala Link.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Congratulations Izumi!

Congratulations to HMDC treatment coordinator, Izumi on completing the Tugaloo Olympic Triathlon race on 9/8 at Tagaloo State Park at Lake Hartwell. This was her 3rd year participating in the race, and she shaved about 13 min from last years time finishing at 2:41:38. Izumi placed 1st in age group and 3rd in overall female. Way to go Izumi!

Go Newts!

Summer is nearly over and Henderson Mill Dental Care want to recognize the Nottaway Newts for a great season. HMDC was proud to sponsor the Nottaway Newts during the 2013 Summer Season at Nottaway Swim Club.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

In honor of Labor Day our offices will be closed tomorrow. 
We will reopen on Tuesday. Enjoy your holiday!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Talented in and out of the office....

Not only are our staff members skilled in the office, they are equally talented artists as well. Heather, Simone, Connie and Keri recently got together to show off their artistic abilities. Check out their humming bird paintings.  Dr. Uetsuki says he taught them everything they know.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

HMDC promotes healthy food options

At HMDC we promote healthy eating. Reducing processed foods and sugar is good for your body and your oral health too. Need ideas for school lunches or your own healthy meal? Check out the following blog on quick and healthy lunch ideas.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Facts on Shark Teeth

In honor of Shark Week on the Discovery Channel we thought some facts on Shark Teeth would be appropriate.

1)  A shark can have up to 50,000 teeth in a lifetime.
2)  Sharks typically lose at least one tooth per week.
3)  Shark teeth are arranged in neat conveyor belt rows and can be replaced within a day of losing one.

4)  Shark teeth were recently discovered to contain fluoride.

5)  Sharks do not suffer from cavities.

6)  The coating of shark teeth is acid resistant and less water soluble than our teeth.

For more information on Sharks check out the Discovery Channel.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

HMDC Congratulates Hygienist, Keri on 10 years of service. We look forward to the next 10 years!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tips on Brushing Children's Teeth

Do you have a child that doesn't like to brush their teeth?  You are not alone. Here are a few tips that may help:

·      Sticker charts – google sticker charts for brushing teeth – some of the kids shows offer online charts so you could pick their favorite character.
·      Make up a silly song about brushing teeth.
·      You can pretend you are looking for the remains of dinner “let’s see how much chicken you have left in your mouth from dinner” and then make a big deal out of what you do pull out.
·      Compete on who can open their mouth the widest while brushing.
·      Brush with your kids and then switch and let them brush yours too.  Interesting as you get to experience from their perspective too.
·      There is a kids Spinbrush on the market that allows you to put stickers on it.  They get to decorate their own brush.  So after you brush they get to put the sticker on it.
·      Using hand flossers seems easier than the string of floss when you are doing someone else.  They can pick the flosser and practice on their own too.
·      Another idea is to look up pictures of sugar bugs on the computer and pictures of yucky cavities and share with your children.
·      There are a ton of video clips on line about cavities that are silly but educational.  You can google some and preview them to show your kids.  We have one cute Japanese video on tooth brushing on our website at    It is fun no matter what language you speak.  Your kids may want to watch it again and again.

No matter what, consistency is key.  The more your child is exposed to brushing their teeth the easier it will get.  Hang in there and feel free to ask any questions during your next visit.

Keep in mind some children experience sensory issues and that is another topic all together.  Depending on the severity it may require a visit to your child's pediatrician and/or possible referral to an occupational therapist.  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

HMDC Shares GMOM Success

As many know, HMDC participated in GMOM, Georgia Mission of Mercy in June of this year. Final stats are out and we want to share the success: Total procedures: 9975, this includes 2277 extractions, 181 dentures, 1019 fillings, 2064 X-rays, 105 root canals, and 458 cleanings. To learn more about GMOM check out this video that chronicles $1.6 million in care that was provided to 1,619 patients.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Back to School

It is hard to believe summer is almost over. As you start your back to school shopping make sure to add your child's dental visit to the list. If you haven't scheduled already visit to request an appointment or call us at 770-496-0496. Enjoy the rest of your summer break!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Izumi Personal Best in Peachtree Road Race

HMDC Congratulates Treatment Coordinator, Izumi on her personal best during the recent Peachtree Road Race. Her net time was an amazing 46:15. Way to go Izumi! She is pictured here with the Japanese Running Club. Dental Hygienist, Becky volunteered during the race.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

HMDC Makes a Difference

We are proud that more than half of HMDC staff participated in Georgia Mission of Mercy in June.  It was an extremely productive and fulfilling event.  Check out details at  Thank you to our wonderful doctors and staff for caring so much and making a difference in our community.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

The rain may put a damper on our outdoor plans but our spirits remain high as we remember those that serve our country. Happy Independence Day! 

Our office will be closed on July 4th and 5th and reopen on Monday, July 8th. As always, if you have an emergency please contact our office. 770-496-0496

Monday, July 1, 2013

Amazon Wish List for Orphanage Emmanuel

Each year HMDC Hygienist, Becky travels to Honduras to volunteer. As part of her efforts HMDC collects donations throughout the year to send to Orphanage Emmanuel. We now have a link to a wish list on Amazon. Items can be purchased on Amazon and shipped direct to the Orphanage. If you would like to contribute please visit for more details. We appreciate your support and willingness to help others.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hinman Dental Society

Dr. John Uetsuki joins the Hinman Dental Society.  Check out his first Annual Meeting that was recently held in Braselton, GA.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is Sedation Dentistry right for you?

As said by Franklin D Roosevelt, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!" Many people have a real fear of going to the Dentist. At HMDC we offer a comfortable environment and listen to our patients. If you experience dental anxiety, ask us about conscious sedation or visit our website at

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

GMOM scheduled for June 14th and 15th

We continually support our community. This weekend Dr. Levin and Dr. Uetsuki will again be participating in a wonderful program. Georgia Mission of Mercy (GMOM) is scheduled for Friday, June 14th and Saturday, June 15th at the North Atlanta Trade Center in Norcross. They will be providing basic dental services to those that truly are unable to pay for dental care. No appointment is needed and doors open at 5 am on both days. If you or someone you know could benefit from these services please visit Thank you to Dr. Levin and Dr. Uetsuki for helping those in need. You guys ROCK!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Gold in Dentistry

When most people think of gold fillings they often picture images like these.

At HMDC we take gold seriously.  Did you know that in dentistry gold is one of the strongest and longest lasting dental materials?  Depending on the location within your mouth, it may be an extremely viable product.  Gold can often be used in the back of the mouth where it is not easily noticed by others, allowing you to reap the benefits of an outstanding product.

According to the ADA, gold resists tarnishing and is highly resistant to fracture.  Gold is resistant to wear and gentle on opposing teeth.  Gold can be placed in thinner sections, requiring the least amount of healthy tooth structure removal.  Gold is also extremely compatible and an exceptional choice when concerned about allergic sensitivity.

We are so confident in Gold and its ability to transform the lives of our patients that we are host to the R.V. Tucker Study Club.  To learn more about Gold and our participation in the study club, visit

Do you think Gold is a good choice for you?   Call us at 770-496-0496 to schedule your appointment.