Monday, October 5, 2015

Maximize your Dental Insurance Benefits before Year End!

This post is especially important to those of you with dental insurance.  Most dental benefit plans have a fixed annual limit. If all of the benefits are not used by the end of the year, then these benefits are lost. These are benefits that you have paid for in your monthly premiums. 
If you are considering returning to our office to have your teeth professionally cleaned, or if you have postponed needed dental treatment, please call our office at 770-496-0496 to make an appointment before your 2015 dental benefits expire. 
Also, if you have already met your deductible in 2015, then you can proceed with needed dental treatment now, rather than waiting until next year and having to pay another deductible.
Please keep in mind that most dental benefit plans are based on a “use it or lose it” system.  Don’t let unused dental benefits expire at the end of the year.

Please call our office at 770-496-0496 prior to DECEMBER to reserve your appointment because we get very busy during the months of November and December. 


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